Mastering aEEG Interpretation

How many of you are using Amplitude Integrated Electroencephalogram (aEEG) as a neuromonitoring device in your units? aEEG is a reliable, easy to interpret bedside tool for monitoring overall brain health, and is valuable screening tool for seizures in premature and term infants. In fact, the regulating body in the state of California, California Children’s Services (CCS) requires infants undergoing therapeutic hypothermia to have neuromonitoring, at minimum with aEEG. If you haven’t mastered aEEG interpretation, we have good news for you! Register for The ONE Conference today and you will receive access to Kathi Randall’s aEEG Mastery Course that includes 6 contact hours of nursing continuing education credit! Click here to register for the 2018 ONE Conference at the beautiful Kona Kai Resort in San Diego, California from February 4-6, 2018! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Kathi and Shannon

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