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Is aEEG a Foreign Language To You?

I don’t know about you, but I actually enjoy the challenge in learning a foreign language.

My language of choice is Spanish and since I recently purchased a home in Mexico, my skills have really been put to the test.

I started to realize that my vacation Spanish (una mas cerza por favor ~ another beer please) was just not going to cut it when I needed to shop at the local stores and ask questions of my property manager. So, I decided to hire a tutor… I found her through an online service (Preply — which I could not recommend more highly) and I can schedule classes when they fit in to my calendar. This online option is perfect for my travel and work schedules. I can schedule an appointment for anytime and from anywhere, it’s way better than a school that I would have to go to on a specific time and in a specific place.

As I have been working with my tutor, I realized that maybe you feel about aEEG, the same way I feel about Spanish… I want to use Spanish in my day to day life, I want to know how to express what I see and do, but I just don’t know the vocabulary!

Then I realized… I am an online tutor for aEEG!!!

I love sharing the language of brain monitoring with others. I love the challenge of breaking down the complex workings of aEEG in to simple techniques so that you can use this tool everyday in your NICU practice.

I enjoy watching people have ah-ha moments when they finally understand how aEEG is created. Share on X

I love seeing people gain understanding with the uses and limitations of aEEG, and how to classify the 5 patterns and make sense of it.

If you are feeling like aEEG is a foreign language, then I would like to invite you to check out my many aEEG programs. I have free monthly calls that you can join live or watch the recordings. I have written tons of blog-posts on the use of aEEG. And I even have in-depth programs that really take you deep in to the use of aEEG.

Please reach out if there is anything I can do to help support you as you learn the language of aEEG!!!

Want more advice on how to read aEEG?  Check out my live Q&A calls! Click the image above to see my schedule!

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