Importance of Self Care
In reflecting on the Nurse’s Week festivities last week at my hospital, I want to take the time to preach a little on self-care. As nurses, we do extraordinary work caring for the sick and their families, and our work requires us to give so much of ourselves to our patients. Long hours, overtime and night shifts and the physicality that is often required in the nursing profession can take a physical toll on our bodies, and helping our families thru the roller coaster ride that is life in the NICU can take a toll on our emotional health as well. However, to continue to be the best, we must take time to care for ourselves. Each of us needs to find something that relaxes and refreshes us, whether it be meditation, exercise, knitting, reading, or getting outside to take a walk in the fresh air. We will be better nurses, parents, partners, pet owners, and humans by doing so! And, if you are like me and need to have a plan, schedule this time for yourself, and make it a priority every day!
And, as always, I will leave you with a quote, from one of the funniest women to ever walk this planet!
“Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”
-Lucille Ball
Take care of yourselves!
-Kathi and Shannon